Emergency Urgent Care: When to Go to an ER: Pain Management

Emergency Urgent Care: When to Go to an ER: Pain Management

Pain is actually one of the most useful and important mechanisms in our bodies, although if you are experiencing pain, especially severe pain, you may not want to hear this right now, and who can blame you. Imagine how life would be if we didn’t feel pain, and there are those with a rare condition that prevents them from feeling physical pain. Pain is how our body is able to communicate with us that there is something wrong. It may be a sign of physical trauma or an injury, or it could be an underlying medical condition. Without pain, we would probably suffer untold damage before realizing and would therefore suffer bad outcomes and possibly even death in certain scenarios. Pain, as much as anything, varies in severity, and could either be mild, moderate or severe. Pain, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, can also be acute pain, which is pain that occurs abruptly and is a physical sign of an injury or an underlying medical condition, or it could be chronic pain which is pain that has been ongoing for a while, a period of at least 12 weeks, and whose cause may be difficult to pinpoint making it difficult to manage. Given how debilitating pain can be, it is important to know when to go to an ER for pain management, something this article will look to help with by going into a bit of detail on the same.

The level of pain that you are experiencing is one thing that should dictate if you need to go to an ER as soon as possible to be attended to. While mild and moderate pain can be handled at home with over-the-counter meds, if you are experiencing severe pain, then you should head over to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com as soon as possible for pain management. We all know how difficult it can be to quantify pain, but here, if you are experiencing pain that you can’t tolerate and which is debilitating, then it qualifies as severe pain and you should go to an ER as soon as possible for pain management. Everyone has a pain threshold, over which you can’t take any more and therefore if you are experiencing pain that is above your threshold and which is preventing you from performing normal activities or even sleep, or when you sleep, the pain wakes you up at night and is unbearable and has you bedridden, then you should go to an ER for pain management. The ER physicians may also be able to diagnose the cause of your pain and have it treated if possible.

You should also go to an ER for pain management if you are suffering from pain from a known severe, and potentially life or limb-threatening condition. If for instance you suffer severe trauma and begin to experience pain, then it may be sign that you may have done yourself damage and may need to go to an ER as soon as possible for pain management. Severe pain on a limb may be sign of an injury such as a fracture, a severe sprain or strain and you may need to go to an ER as soon as possible. You may also have suffered internal injuries, especially if you were in a car accident, and as such going to an ER for pain management will also allow for these injuries to be addressed. Pain in the chest after chest trauma may indicate a fractured rib or two or even a fractured sternum while headache after head trauma could be a sign of concussion or any other traumatic brain injury and should be taken seriously. Pain after trauma, especially when accompanied by deformity or even bleeding should always be taken seriously as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com.

Pain may also be a sign of an underlying issue that may be life-threatening if not attended and as such it is important to head to an ER such as the excellent frontlineer.com not only for pain management, but also have this underlying issue diagnosed and treated. For instance, chest pain, could be a sign of a heart attack, while severe headache could be a sign of a stroke or brain aneurism, all of which should be taken seriously as they are life-threatening. It is therefore important to always take seriously pain that is sudden onset, unexpected and unexplained as this could be a sign of a much more serious underlying medical condition. Speaking of sudden onset and unexplained pain, keep an eye out for abdominal pain as well, as this could be a sign of serious conditions such as appendicitis, gallstones, bowel obstruction among others. If you suffer from chronic pain, you should also head over to an ER for pain management if you are experiencing an episode of severe pain, your medications aren’t working and you are unable to reach your regular physician who treats your chronic pain.

Remember, if you are experiencing severe and debilitating pain, pain due to a serious injury or trauma, or pain that is sudden onset and unexplained and is accompanied with signs of known life-threatening conditions, then the best place to go is to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com for pain management as well as the diagnosis and treatment of your problem, if possible.


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