Emergency Services: Primary Care

Emergency Services: Primary Care

Primary care is any care provided by well trained and skilled physicians that aims at combating an undiagnosed sign, symptom or any other health concern, that is not limited to medical diagnosis. The care serves as a patient’s first entry point into a health care system and as the focal point for all healthcare services needed.

Primary care entails the care given to patients, the system used in providing the care, the types of physicians who play different roles in the care, and the role of every physician and non-physician. When the above composition is taken together, they form a framework where patients can access efficient, effective and high-quality primary care.

Advantages of Primary Care

According to FrontLine ER, primary care is a vital practice during any medical practice. The care has the following advantages:

i.    They provide patients with all-time access to their physician or a backup physician when the primary physician is unavailable

ii.    It enhances patient advocacy in the health system thereby allowing the patient to accomplish a cost-effective care

iii.    The care encourages effective communication between a patient and physicians. The effective communication hence appreciates the role of the patient as a health care partner with the physician.

iv.    Through primary care, the needs of patients with similar problems are met. This makes it more comfortable in administering medication and treatment.

v.    Several primary care practices are located within the patients’ locality. It helps in facilitating faster access to health care while maintaining a wide variety of institutional consultations and referral relationships for special care needs.

Primary care involves physicians who have devoted the majority of their career to providing services to a defined population of patients. They advocate for patients during the coordination and use of an entire health care system. The care also involves non-primary care physicians who necessarily do not offer services within the context of the first contact and continued care. Other stakeholders in primary care are the non-physician primary care providers that include the physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare providers.

The non-physician primary care providers meet the needs of unique and specific patients. They provide these services in collaborative teams where the ultimate responsibility of patients revolves within the mandate of the primary care physician.

FrontLine ER states that the process of primary care includes the following practices:

Disease Prevention

Disease prevention involves a procedure where all individuals, especially those who are at risk, are treated as a way of preventing the disease from occurring. The treatment mostly starts before signs, and symptoms of the disease occur or shortly after they have been detected. The treatment can therefore begin. This treatment can include lifestyle medication, patient education or administering of drugs.

Routine Physical Exams and Medical Screenings

Routine physical exams are tests performed to check the patient’s overall health. These tests are done at free will, and you don’t need to be sick for them to be conducted. The physician asks questions related to your health or discusses any changes in the body. The tests are different depending on someone’s age, medical and family history.

Medical screenings are used to identify the presence of probable disease. Screenings allow you to detect serious conditions like diabetes or cancer. They are vital as the conditions can be treated when in their early stages.

Health Maintenance

Health maintenance is a systematic program planned or rolled out to prevent illness, promote health, and maintain a maximum functioning health care. The program is central to health care mostly to nursing care and in other patterns like acute, chronic and catastrophic cases.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute or Chronic Illnesses

Acute diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure require frequent and intense treatment. During primary care, qualified physicians diagnose these conditions and patients. They then roll out a treatment plan as a way of managing these chronic and acute diseases that can be fatal any time.

Patient Education

Qualified health professionals offer medical education and impart information to patients which can help to transform their general health and improve their lifestyle behavior. FrontLine ER  suggests that this strategy can help to create more awareness about diseases and how they can be treated.

Patient Counseling and Guidance

Some patients suffer from chronic and acute conditions, which can affect them psychologically. A counseling program can, therefore, be rolled out during the primary care phase. Counseling aims at helping patients accept their condition and continue with medication to prevent any death cases. It can be done verbally or in written form where it is given to the patient or caregiver directly.


During vaccinations, people are given drugs that help prevent them from being infected with certain diseases. Vaccinations are also given to people who are in areas where such diseases are likely to break out. This prepares their body immunity in the event of a breakout.

According to FrontLine ER primary care service is a practice that aims at promoting a healthy lifestyle for both patients and those who are healthy. Visit us and have primary care performed at your convenient time and schedule.


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