Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Flu Symptoms: Nasal Congestion
The flu has got a number of symptoms it comes with, all of which are covered in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com, but very few cause us discomfort like nasal congestion. This is because nasal congestion causes our noses to be clogged up and makes it very difficult to breath. If you have nasal congestion, then it will definitely make you miserable, particularly at night when you will find it difficult to sleep due to the clogging of your nose. You end up having to breathe with your mouth, which isn’t ideal and may cause its own set of problems as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com. The good news is that nasal congestion as part of the symptoms of flu is something that is most of the time easily handled at home with home remedies, over-the-counter medication and lots of fluids and rest. It is not something that you will imagine will cause you to go to an ER. Having said that, it is important to note that there are times when nasal congestion requires immediate emergency care. It is therefore important that we know when these instances are so that we can go to the ER and avoid any unwanted outcomes. This article, together with the highly rated frontlineer.com, should therefore be of great help to that effect as it will look to highlight when one should go to an ER for flu symptoms as far as nasal congestion is concerned.
One of the instances when you should definitely go to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com for flu symptoms if you have nasal congestion is if you are finding it difficult or are unable to breathe. An inability to breathe should always be treated seriously due to the risk of asphyxiation and as such if your nasal congestion is in any way making it difficult or impeding your ability to breathe, then going to an ER should be the next thing you do. As mentioned above, nasal congestion is a common symptom as far as the flu is concerned. The flu, as we all know, and as discussed over at frontlineer.com, is a viral illness and as such, is as a result of a virus, and while it has no cure, it will resolve on its own in a few days or so. However, if you are experiencing nasal congestion and you notice that you are producing a nasal discharge which is yellow or green, and on top of that you have sinus pain or fever, then you should go to an ER to be assessed and attended to as this may in fact be a sign of a bacterial infection and not the flu. A bacterial infection will not resolve on its own and it will need treatment before it gets serious and spreads.
Speaking of fever, you should also go to an ER, such as the excellent frontlineer.com, for flu symptoms if you have nasal congestion and you develop a high fever. A fever is pretty normal when you have an infection which the flu is. This is because your body will attempt to increase the temperature to try and make it inhospitable to the microbes causing the infection. However, if your temperature goes above 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit, then this is a sign of a more serious complication. A high fever is usually a sign that the infection has spread to other parts of the body, and given the serious complications that can arise from the flu, it is important not to take any chances in such a situation. You should also go to an ER for flu symptoms if you have nasal congestion and are also experiencing severe pain in your eyes, throat, ears or even your head, with a severe headache. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, the flu may easily lead to a serious infection in the eye or ears or even spread to the lining of the brain causing meningitis, hence why such severe pain should always be taken seriously.
If you have had nasal congestion for more than 4 weeks, then you should also go to an ER as this may be a sign of a more serious underlying problem and not the flu which should have cleared by then, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com. Yet another instance when you should go to an ER for flu symptoms is of you have nasal congestion and you are also experiencing neck pain or stiffness in your neck. This may be a sign of meningitis, which is potentially life-threatening and as such you should always take such symptoms seriously. You should also go to an ER for flu symptoms if you have nasal congestion and you develop horrible chills and/or intense sweating without activity. According to discussions over at frontlineer.com, you really shouldn’t be sweating without activity and as such, if you are experiencing such symptoms, you should go to an ER as soon as possible to be assessed and attended to. Also go to an ER if you have nasal congestion and you have blood in your nasal discharge, something that should also be assessed and attended to pronto.
The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can get more information on this and other related topics by visiting the highly regarded frontlineer.com.