Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Flu Symptoms: Fatigue and Weakness
Fatigue and weakness are two sensations that we are have all experienced at one time or the other, be it after a long day of work, after physical exhaustion or when you haven’t eaten something in a while. However, as per the gurus over at the excellent frontlineer.com, fatigue and weakness are also symptoms that you are likely to experience when ill, with a flu being one of the illnesses that has these two as part of its symptoms. Most people erroneously use these two terms as if they mean one thing. This is of course wrong as these two are two vey different sensations as explained over at frontlineer.com. Weakness is the term used to describe a sensation of a lack of physical or muscle strength where you feel like you need extra effort just to move your arms, legs and other muscles. Fatigue on the other hand, is the sensation of being tired or exhausted where you feel like you need to rest to regain your energy. With that cleared up, it is also important to note that while these two are usually nothing to worry about if you have the flu, there are times when fatigue and weakness should lead to a visit to an ER, like the highly regarded frontlineer.com, for flu symptoms. This article should therefore be of great help in that regard as it will look to highlight when you should go to an ER for flu symptoms as far as fatigue and weakness are concerned.
The severity of the fatigue and weakness you are experiencing should definitely play a role in helping you decide whether or not to go to an ER for flu symptoms. Here, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing severe fatigue where you feel like you are extremely exhausted, without physical activity, then you should go to an ER as soon as you can as this may be and indicator of a serious complication due to your flu. You should also do the same and go to an ER for your flu symptoms if you are experiencing severe body weakness. Here, you may find that you are finding it extremely difficult to move the muscles of your body, especially your legs or arms, which could be an indicator of a serious complication that should be attended to immediately. In such a situation, going to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com for your flu symptoms is the right course of action.
Other than the severity, the longevity of the fatigue also matters as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com. Here, if you have been experiencing fatigue to go with your other flu symptoms for more than 2 weeks, and it is not getting better, or even appears to be getting worse, then you should also go to an ER as soon as possible. This may be a sign of a more serious health problem, which may even include problems with your lungs or heart and as therefore such a situation should always be taken seriously. Yet another instance when you should go to an ER for flu symptoms is if you are experiencing fatigue and weakness and you develop a high fever. A high fever in such a situation, especially one that is persistent, should definitely send the alarm bells ringing as it could be a sign of a more sinister complication, something backed up by the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com. This is why it is recommended that you go to an ER if you are experiencing fatigue and weakness all over your body, as well as a high fever.
You should also go to an ER for flu symptoms if you have fatigue and weakness and you notice that your heart is racing, that is, you have an extremely high heart rate. This, as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com, is yet another sign of a more sinister complication which is why it should be taken seriously. You should also do the same if you develop severe dizzy spells where you feel like you are about to pass out. On a related note, if someone who was experiencing fatigue or weakness does pass out or faint, then they should also be taken to an ER as soon as possible. It is recommended that you call 911 in such a situation to have emergency services come and take them to the ER. If you are experiencing fatigue and weakness as well as other flu symptoms and you have a compromised immune system, then you are very likely to experience serious complications. This is why such people should always go to an ER like the excellent frontlineer.com for flu symptoms, especially if they are presenting with fatigue or weakness. If you have HIV/AIDS, have cancer, are undergoing chemotherapy treatment, have recently undergone transplant surgery and are on medication for the same or have any other serious condition that could weaken your immune system, then you fall into this category which is at a high risk of serious complications due to the flu.
It is our hope this article will help you get the help you need and prevent any unwanted outcomes, with there being more information on this and other related topics over at the highly rated frontlineer.com.