Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Cardiac Care: Shortness of Breath

Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Cardiac Care: Shortness of Breath

When it comes to cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease, most people know that chest pain is the biggest indicator of its presence. However, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, shortness of breath can also be a serious cardiac symptom, something that most people may not know about. In fact, there are studies that show that patients that present with shortness of breath have a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to those patients with the typical symptoms such as chest pain. This is why it is important that you know when to go to an ER for cardiac care when you are experiencing shortness of breath, especially given that, as per discussions on the same over at frontlineer.com, patients with shortness of breath due to a cardiac cause are more likely to experience death than those without it. This, however, is not always easy since shortness of breath is not always a sign of heart disease. You may experience shortness of breath after a workout session, and all you have to do is catch your breath and you will be back to normal. You may also experience shortness of breath due to altitude sickness, which is also something that usually doesn’t warrant a visit to an ER, like the highly rated frontlineer.com. This article will look to focus on the signs, symptoms and instances when you should go to an ER for cardiac care if you are experiencing shortness of breath.

One of the instances when you should definitely call 911 or go to an ER for shortness of breath is if your shortness of breath comes on suddenly and seemingly without any reason. As per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, this should always be taken very seriously as shortness of breath that is sudden-onset and doesn’t seem to have a reason behind it could be a sign that you are experiencing a heart attack. You may be sited or going through your normal daily activities and all of a sudden you develop shortness of breath. Such a situation is always to be taken with the seriousness it deserves. As mentioned earlier on, shortness of breath doesn’t get linked with cardiovascular disease by most people as compared to classical symptoms of the same such as chest pain. This means that, for most people experiencing shortness of breath, they may try and fight through it to see if their situation eases, especially if you think that the shortness of breath was due to physical exertion. However, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if your shortness of breath is not improving with rest, or even seems to be getting worse, then you should also go to an ER as soon as possible.

You should also go to an ER like the highly rated frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing shortness of breath that is inhibiting your ability to perform your daily tasks. If you decide to take a wait-and-see approach for your shortness of breath, which you really shouldn’t, then if you find that you are unable to perform your daily activities due to the shortness of breath, then it is recommended that you seek emergency care by going over to an ER for cardiac care. another instance when you should go to an ER for shortness of breath is if it is accompanied by chest pain. This could be a sign that you are experiencing a heart attack, which is a medical emergency requiring an immediate trip to an ER like the excellent frontlineer.com. It is worth mentioning that you may not always experience chest pain as sometimes it may feel like squeezing or pressure on your chest. This should also be taken seriously and should lead to a visit to an ER.

Other than chest pain or pressure, you should also go to an ER if you are experiencing chest pain as well as any abnormal discomfort. If you are experiencing discomfort that is abnormal to go with your chest pain, then as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, you should go to an ER and have yourself evaluated and attended to. You should also go to an ER for cardiac care if you are experiencing shortness of breath and it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This is yet another sign of a heart attack and should always be taken seriously. You should do the same if you are experiencing shortness of breath accompanied by abdominal pain. Shortness of breath that is accompanied by shearing abdominal pain that may radiate to the back should also be taken seriously and should lead to an immediate visit to an ER. You should also go to an ER for cardiac care if you experiencing shortness of breath that is accompanied by passing out or a loss of consciousness. In such situation, someone should call 911 and have you taken to an ER such as the highly rated frontlineer.com.

It is our hope that the above discussion will help you know when to go to an ER for cardiac care if you are experiencing shortness of breath, with the excellent frontlineer.com being the best place to go to in such a situation.


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