Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Sports Medicine

Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Sports Medicine

There is no denying that sports play an important role in keeping folks fit and in shape hence maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, an undeniable part of sports are injuries, with there being a chance that one will get injured while participating in sporting activity. Thankfully, with sports medicine, there is medical help available to anyone who gets injured while participating in sports. In an emergency room, you will find physicians that are specialized and have received extra training to attend to conditions which are life and limb-threatening that affect people who are active in sports. It is also worth mentioning that sports injuries are not only restricted to athletes as even those that just play sports casually on the weekends or those who exercise can be affected. While not all injuries are serious, those that are should always be evaluated at an emergency room and to that effect here are 15 reasons to go to an emergency room near you for sports medicine.

One of the reasons to go to an emergency room near you, such as the highly rated frontlineer.com, is if one has suffered a head injury and they are showing signs of severe concussion. These signs include a loss of consciousness, even if it is only momentary, nausea and vomiting, a severe headache among others. If one suffers a severe concussion, then you should call 911 and have them taken to an emergency room near them.

You should also take particular care with neck injuries, which are pretty common when it comes to sports. Here, you should call 911 and have the injured person taken to an emergency room near them for sports medicine if they have suffered a hit or blow to the neck and they are presenting with numbness, tingling or arm weakness.

Sticking with neck injuries, you should also have yourself taken to an emergency room near you if you are presenting with an inability to talk or swallow after having suffered a blow to the neck which is yet another sign that should always be taken seriously.

Another pretty common sports injury is a blow to the chest area and here, if one is has suffered a blow to the chest and they are experiencing chest pain that is worsening and is severe, then you should have them taken to an emergency room near them, such as the highly rated frontlineer.com, as soon as possible to be assessed and attended to.

One should also be taken to an emergency room near them as soon as possible if they are experiencing chest pain accompanied with shortness of breath after having suffered a blow to the chest.

While musculoskeletal injuries are common when playing sports, they are not always serious enough to go to an emergency room for. However, if there is clear and severe deformity after having received a knock, especially on the knees or ankle, then you should head over to an emergency room near you as soon as possible to be attended to.

You should also head over to an emergency room near you if you hear a popping sound during injury. This is usually a sign of a rupturing of ligaments which should always be taken seriously and be attended to at an emergency room if you are to make a full recovery and go back to playing your favorite sports.

Another red flag as far as musculoskeletal injuries are concerned if you are experiencing intractable pain after a hit and are unable to move or put any weight on the injured limb. This is a sign of a severe musculoskeletal injury and should be taken seriously by heading over to an emergency room near you such as the excellent frontlineer.com.

If you have suffered an open fracture, then you should have yourself taken to an emergency room near you as soon as possible. An open fracture is a fracture where the bone has broken through the skin and due to the increased risk of infection in the bone, it should be taken very seriously.

You should also have yourself taken to an emergency room near you if you suspect that you have suffered a hip fracture or dislocation. Hip injuries should always be taken seriously and only be handled at an emergency room due to the risk of avascular necrosis, AVN, which is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply to the affected area.

If you have received a blow to the abdomen and you begin to experience severe abdominal pain, especially in the upper abdomen, which may radiate towards your left shoulder, then you should also head over to an emergency room near you to be attended to. This is a sign of ruptured or damaged spleen and should be taken seriously.

You should also head over to an emergency room near, such as the excellent frontlineer.com, if you have suffered a dislocation. The shoulder is usually the most commonly dislocated joint. A dislocation should always be treated at an emergency room, and you should seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid any unwanted complications. Don’t try to pop the dislocated joint back in place.

Eye injuries are also quite common in certain sports such as baseball, hockey among other sports involving smaller balls and pucks. You may also suffer an eye injury by getting hit on the eye by a stray elbow or a flailing arm. If you have suffered an eye injury and have suffered a deep cut on the eyelid, an orbital fractures, a punctured eyeball among other such serious injuries, then you should head over to an emergency room near you as soon as possible.

If you have suffered a knock or blow and are experiencing severe swelling, then you should also head over to an emergency room near you to be attended to, especially if the swelling is accompanied by severe pain. This may be a sign of a serious injury, including an internal injury, and should be taken seriously.

Other red flags to keep an eye out for as far as sports injuries are concerned are severe confusion disorientation as well as speech difficulties, which should always lead to a visit to an emergency room as soon as possible. If one is also experiencing double vision after a hit, then they should also be taken to an emergency room near them for sports medicine.

The above are some of the reasons to go to an emergency room near you for sports medicine, with the excellent frontlineer.com being the best place to go to for such services.


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