Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Broken Bones

Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Broken Bones

Broken bones can be painful and can happen to anyone, at any time and as a result of different reasons and causes. If you have suffered a broken bone, there is no doubt that you need to get medical attention, the only question that usually needs addressing is if you should go to an urgent care facility or an emergency room. If you have the right information, then making the decision on whether to go to an emergency room or urgent care facility if you have suffered a broken bone will be pretty straightforward. The problem is usually that most people don’t have the right information that will enable them make this decision and to help with that, this article will look to highlight 15 reasons to go to an emergency room near you, like the highly rated frontlineer.com, for broken bones.

If you have suffered a broken bone and there is bone visibly protruding through the skin, or the broken bone broke through the skin and went back in, then you should head over to an emergency room near you as soon as possible. This is a sign of a compound fracture, which should always be attended to at an emergency room.

If there is visible deformity on the injured area, then you should also head over to an emergency room near you as this is a sign of a more serious case of broken bone and should be taken very seriously.

Another reason to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones is if you are experiencing heavy bleeding at the site of injury, especially if blood is coming out in squirts as it is important to have the bleeding stemmed as excessive loss of blood is potentially life-threatening if not attended to as soon as possible.

Yet another reason to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones is if you are experiencing numbness in the injured area or the area surrounding it. This is usually a sign of a more serious complication and should be taken seriously by heading over to an emergency room near you, such as the excellent frontlineer.com.

If you notice that the skin on and around the injured area has begun turning blue and is severely swollen, then you should also make sure that you go to an emergency room near you to be attended to as soon as possible.

Yet another reason to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones is if you begin to experience trouble breathing after having suffered trauma to the chest. This may be a sign of a broken rib or two which may have also caused damage to your lungs and should be taken seriously.

Other than trouble breathing, if you have suffered trauma to the chest or upper abdomen, then you should also head over to an emergency room near you if you begin to experience nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. This is yet another sign of broken bones and could also mean that a broken bone may have punctured and injured one of your internal organs, particularly in the upper abdomen.

Another reason to go to an emergency room near you like the highly rated frontlineer.com is if you are experiencing severe and intolerable pain, especially on any of your limbs, that isn’t easing even after taking over-the-counter pain medication after having suffered a nasty knock or fall. This could be assign of a serious fracture that should be taken seriously.

A loss of mobility in the injured area, particularly in the limbs, should also be a sign that you need to head over to an emergency room near you for broken bones. A loss of mobility is usually a sign of a severe injury as far as broken bones are concerned and should always be taken seriously.

A comminuted fractures, which are fractures where the bone fractures in many different places should always be treated at an emergency room. A clear sign that you have suffered a comminuted fracture is if the affected part of the body has an abnormal shape or appearance while you may also hear a crack or snap during the injury causing the break.

Another reason to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones is if you have suffered a fracture on the upper leg, that is, you have fractured your femur shaft. If you break your femur, it can only be handled at an emergency room, and here symptoms include pain, swelling and tenderness on your thigh.

Another reason to go to an emergency room near you, like the excellent frontlineer.com, is if you have suffered a fracture on your skull. Signs of a skull fracture include bleeding on the wound, a severe headache or pain on the site of injury, a clear fluid leaking from your nose or ears among others after having suffered trauma to your head.

Other than your skull, if you have fractured your neck, then this is also reason enough to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones. Signs of a fractured neck include severe pain in your neck which may radiate towards your shoulders or arms, decreased or loss of feeling in your arms, legs or body among others. Remember, if you suspect that someone may have suffered a broken neck, don’t move them, but call 911 and have them attended to and taken to an emergency room.

A Fracture on your hips is yet another reason to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones. Given the complications that a broken hip can bring, it is only handled at an emergency room. Symptoms include severe pain in the hip and groin area after having suffered a blow to the hip or a severe fall, among other symptoms.

If you have suffered bone fracture restricting blood flow to the injured area, should also be treated at an emergency room as it could lead to a condition known as avascular necrosis, AVN, a condition that leads to death of bone tissue due to the lack of blood supply. It is particularly likely with a hip fracture which is why hip fractures should always be handled at an emergency room.

The above are the reasons to go to an emergency room near you for broken bones, with the excellent frontlineer.com being the best place to head to during such medical emergencies.


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