Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Back and Spine Care

Emergency Room Near Me: 15 Reasons to go for Back and Spine Care

Back pain is something we experience every now and then, and it is something in most instances we are prepared to put up with. It may be as a result of spending long hours of the day sitting, especially at work, as a result of rigorous physical activity and exhaustion or even overexerting yourself in the gym among other possible reasons. While such back pain may be uncomfortable, in most cases it goes away after rest and is not something to worry about. However, how can you identify back pain that is actually serious and that needs going to an emergency room near you for and how do you differentiate normal back pain and back pain that requires you to go to an emergency room near you for back and spine care? Well, here are 15 reasons that will help you with exactly this.

One of the reasons why you should go to an emergency room near you, such as the excellent frontlineer.com, for back and spine care is if you begin to experience severe back pain after trauma to the back. You may have suffered a knock to the back when playing sports, during a motor vehicle accident among other possible reasons, but if after such incidents you begin to experience severe pain to the back, then you need to go an emergency room near you as possible.

You should also go to an emergency room near you for back and spine care if you begin to experience dramatic and unexplained weight loss that accompanies your back pain. This may be a sign that you have a tumor in your spine which is without doubt something that should be taken seriously.

Another reason to go to an emergency room near you for back and spine care is if your back pain is so severe, it wakes you up at night. Back pain due to exhaustion or overexertion should go away when you rest and sleep so therefore, if your back pain isn’t easing with rest and is even waking you up at night, then you need to go to an emergency room for back and spine care as this may be a sign of something more serious.

You should also go to an emergency room near you if you are experiencing back pain accompanied by incontinence, or an inability to control your bladder or bowels where you feel like you can’t hold it in. This may be a sign that you have serious nerve compression or even an infection like meningitis in your spine and you need to get attended to as soon as possible, with the highly rated frontlineer.com being the best place to go in such a situation.

Other than incontinence, watch out also for back pain that is accompanied by a feeling that you have to go to the bathroom but when you do, nothing comes out. This is also a sign that something is seriously wrong and you need to go an emergency room as soon as possible.

Another reason to go to an emergency room for back and spine care is if you begin to experience back pain and you have known osteoporosis. If you have this condition, you are extremely likely to fracture your spine and if you are experiencing back pain, you shouldn’t take chances but should have yourself checked in at an emergency room near you as soon as possible.

Numbness is yet another red flag to look out for and you should go to an emergency room near you if you are experiencing back pain accompanied by numbness, especially in your legs as this could be a sign that you have suffered injury to any one of your lumbar nerves.

You should also go to an emergency room near you for back and spine care if you are experiencing severe back pain that travels down one or both legs. This could be a sign that you may have suffered an injury to the sciatic nerve in your lower back and you should get attended to as soon as possible by heading over to an emergency room like the excellent frontlineer.com.

Back pain accompanied by a fever is yet another reason to visit an emergency room near you as this could be a sign of a pretty serious issue, like a serious infection such as meningitis that should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible before things take a turn for the worst.

Another red flag to keep your eyes peeled out for is if you are experiencing back pain accompanied by weakness, particularly in your legs. Weakness can be a sign that you have suffered compressed nerves in the spine and in such a situation, you should get yourself to an emergency room near you as soon as possible.

You should also head over to an emergency room near you if you are experiencing severe back pain and you have a history of cancer, especially if the back pain is unexplained and seemingly came out of nowhere.

Other than a history of cancer, you should also head over to an emergency room near you, like the highly rated frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing back pain and you have recently had your immune system suppressed. It may be as a result of prescribed medication or have had surgery recently, especially transplant surgery. If this is the case, then you should head over to an emergency room near you as soon as possible.

You should also head over to an emergency room for back and spine care if you begin to experience severe or chronic back pain after prolonged use of steroids. This should be taken very seriously as it could be sign of something extremely seriously.

You should also go to an emergency room near you if you are experiencing chronic or severe back pain that is accompanied by intravenous drug use.

Another red flag that should also mean that you need to go to an emergency room near you for back and spine care is if you are experiencing back pain accompanied by pins and needles in your groin or glutes; a condition known as saddle anesthesia. This is a sign that you may be suffering from a serious spine or nerve condition.

The above are some of the reasons why you should head over to an emergency room near you for back and spine care, with the highly regarded frontlineer.com being the best place to go to for such emergency situations.


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