Appendicitis: When to See a Doctor Near You

Appendicitis: When to See a Doctor Near You

The appendix is one of those body parts that modern medicine, despite all the forward steps and advancements it has made, is still to establish exactly what it does in the body. There are a number of theories that have been put forward about the appendix and its importance to the body, with some suggesting that it may play a role in fighting certain diseases, but the truth of the matter is that this is one body part that remains pretty much a mystery to professionals in the world of medicine. What we do know about it is that it is a small tubular appendage, about 2 to 4 inches big, that sort of resembles a worm, that is attached to the cecum of the colon. We also know that we can be able to survive without it, however, if it does get infected or even burst, then this is life-threatening if not attended to immediately. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix which happens when the appendix is blocked and its wall is then invaded by bacteria. It is usually important to heed the early warning signs as far as appendicitis is concerned so that you avoid the scenario where it bursts. It is therefore important to know exactly when to head to a doctor near you for the same as soon as possible, with being the best option, and that is what this article will look to highlight.

One of the first things to look out for as far as appendicitis is concerned, and one that should ensure you see a doctor near you for the same, with the experts over at being the best place to visit for this, is if you start experiencing severe, sudden and unexplained abdominal pain. This is usually one of the first signs of appendicitis and the pain usually begins to radiate near the belly button, from where it will begin to shift towards the lower right side of the abdomen as it worsens. It is also important to note that for pregnant women, the pain will shift towards the upper right side and not the lower right side. The pain is also likely to become more intense and severe as time goes by, as it is important to note that symptoms for appendicitis show up pretty quickly after the problem develops and escalate pretty quickly too. The pain is also like to be more intense if one moves around, coughs or sneezes or if they take a deep breath. If you experience this, you should ensure you head over to see a doctor near you as soon as possible.

Apart from the abdominal pain, there are other warning signs as far as appendicitis is concerned, that should ensure you go to see a doctor near you as soon as possible. If for example you start experiencing sudden and unexplained nausea and vomiting to go with the abdominal pain, then this is usually another classic symptom of appendicitis and this should mean that you need to get yourself to the nearest doctor for assessment and treatment, with being the best place to visit as far as this is concerned. Another warning sign as far as appendicitis goes is if you start to experience constipation or diarrhea that is sudden and unexplained. If you start to experience this, you need to get yourself assessed as soon as possible before things escalate. Another instance that should definitely mean that you need to head over to see a doctor near you for appendicitis is if you start to develop an inability to pass gas. This is another classic symptom of appendicitis and definitely one that should be taken seriously, especially given that if one doesn’t, then things could turn sour pretty quickly.

Another instance that should indicate clearly to you that you need to go and see a doctor near you for appendicitis is if you start to develop fever and chills, that goes with the abdominal pain that had been mentioned earlier. This is usually an indication of an infection in your body, and it could indicate an infection of your appendix and as such you need to head over to see a doctor near you as soon as you can, with being the best option available for you out there. For those who like to take temperature readings, the fever could be anything between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Other symptoms that should indicate that you need to see a doctor near you include stomach swelling as well as an urge to want to have a bowel movement so that you can relieve the discomfort. It is important to note that cases of appendicitis are not the same and that people usually exhibit different symptoms, with others not even experiencing any stomach pain. It is also important to highlight that if you start getting symptoms of appendicitis but you already had your appendix removed, then you should also see a doctor near you pronto as this could indicate another serious condition such as pelvic inflammatory disease, gastroenteritis, inflammation of the colon among others.

The above are some of the instances that should definitely indicate that you need to see a doctor near you, with the being the best place to visit.


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