Abdominal Pain with Fever – 10 Things You Should Know

Abdominal pain comprises of pain whose origin is between the pelvis and the chest. This area is known as the stomach region. Also, fever entails an unusually high body temperature that comes together with shivering and headaches. Here are 10 things you should know about abdominal pain with a fever.

  1. The types of pain you could experience in your abdomen

  • Generalized pain: You will feel pain in at least half your belly. It is mostly brought about by gas, stomach virus, and indigestion. If the pain is determined to be more severe, then it is likely to have been brought about by a clogging of the intestines.
  • Localized pain: You will feel pain in only one part of your belly. It signals an issue in an organ.
  • Colicky pain: You feel pain in waves. It will begin and end abruptly. On most occasions, it is usually severe. Gallstones and kidney stones could have caused it.
  • Cramp-like pain: This pain is not as severe. Bloating and gas may cause it. Also, it can be accompanied by diarrhea. It can only raise concern if it happens over 24 hours, becomes frequent, or is accompanied by a fever.
  1. The people prone to this condition

Anybody can have abdominal pain with fever. Nevertheless, it is especially occurrent in children. It is a leading reason for most children being taken to a doctor.

  1. It could be a result of infections not within the digestive system

Other body parts other than the digestive system could experience infections.

  • There is pneumonia. This infection of the lungs typically prompts abdominal pain with fever.
  • There is urinary tract infection. It could be brought about by a kidney infection called pyelonephritis.
  • There is also throat
  1. It could signal pancreatitis

This ailment is caused by the pancreas experiencing inflammation. It can be acute whereby it emerges swiftly and persists for some days. Additionally, it could be chronic whereby it lasts for several years. There are several symptoms to signal this ailment including abdominal pain with fever.

  1. It could signal gastroenteritis

For children, gastroenteritis is the leading origin of abdominal pain with fever. Other terms for this condition are stomach flu or a stomach bug. This condition denotes the inflammation of the intestines and stomach. It is likely to be brought about by a virus such as norovirus or rotavirus. Other causes include toxins, parasites, and bacteria.

There are several symptoms of gastroenteritis:

  • Generalized abdominal pain.
  • Fever.
  • Watery diarrhea.
  • Stool with blood or mucus.
  1. It could signal mesenteric adenitis

This condition is as a result of the lymph nodes surrounding the intestines experiencing some swelling. It is most common in children and is brought about by infection, which could be viral or bacterial.

There are several symptoms of this condition:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

These symptoms could be misconstrued as other problems. However, mesenteric adenitis can go away on its own within a small number of days. Being adequately hydrated helps in recovering. Nevertheless, medication could aid in regulating the fever and pain.

  1. When to seek medical help

You should visit a doctor if these symptoms accompany abdominal pain with fever:

  • Chest pains.
  • Variations in vision.
  • Fever superseding 38.3 degree Celsius.
  • Neck stiffness.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Unrestrained vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lack of consciousness
  1. Diagnosis

Abdominal pain with fever is an indication that the body is experiencing an infection besides trying to fight it. It is thus prudent to visit a healthcare facility to aid in diagnosing the condition leading up to experiencing pain with fever.

For a speedy diagnosis, you can visit an emergency care facility. For persons living in Richmond and Dallas, going to any Frontline ER facility would be an excellent approach.

  1. Home care

You can treat abdominal pain with fever at home.

  • Rest.
  • Drink a lot of fluids. It is helpful in avoiding dehydration.
  • Manage the fever by sponging yourself with lukewarm water or taking a cool Using cold water is not advisable since it could worsen the fever.
  • Take medications that are known to treat abdominal pain with fever.
  1. Ways of preventing abdominal pain with fever

There are some actions, which if made a habit can be helpful in avoiding abdominal pain with fever.

  • Regularly wash your hands. This practice is most essential before eating. It is instrumental in preventing infectious illnesses that bring about abdominal pain with fever.
  • Attempt to drink a lot of fluids.
  • Wiping from front to back can be beneficial in averting urinary tract infections.
  • If you are visiting places where malaria is seen as prevalent, it is wise to use insect repellants to avoid getting the disease. A doctor can also instruct you on the antimalarial drugs to take as a protective measure.

In conclusion, with these things in mind, one can be better versed with abdominal pain with fever. You are also equipped with some possibilities that could have caused the condition and different ways of dealing with it.


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