3 foods that are good for your heart

3 foods that are good for your heart  

Eating healthy has long been a target for many individuals looking to avoid a visit to the doctor. Finding out what is good for your heart serves as one of the most important undertakings you will ever accomplish which is why frontlineer.com is here for you to offer the best path of action. As the best ER with top of the range practitioners that have the necessary qualifications and experience, you will be best served finding out all you need to know about the foods that will benefit your heart in the long run. Much has been said of the ever evolving world of nutritive elements and supplements designed for healthy living but here is a look at the 3 foods that will surely work for you.   

Legumes and whole grains 

As simple as they sound, legumes and whole grains are actually the perfect food elements you need. Beans, lentils and soybeans reduce risk of coronary heart diseases by a significant percentage making them power foods. That’s not all, they play a huge role when it comes to improving blood sugar levels and reducing blood pressure. What these legumes have is heart healthy B vitamins, iron and calcium and these guarantee that they are in turn considered nature’s scrub brush. Legumes are affordable and rich sources of protein and should thereby never miss in your diet. 

In a closer focus, any visit to an ER will always see you get some advice on some special foods for your circulatory system and Soy protein is great in that regard. This is a plant protein that is perfect as an alternative to meat. What it offers is impressive cardiovascular advantages and the beauty is that it is an inexpensive high quality source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. What Soy protein does is lower triglycerides which in turn prevents cardiovascular disease.

When looking to provide your heart with healthy foods; whole grains provide vitamins, minerals and fiber that guarantee your heart is kept healthy with lower LDL-cholesterol. Oats in particular have soluble fiber referred to as Beta Glucan that reduces total cholesterol and LDL. It is the most effective whole grain that lowers cholesterol. Cracked wheat, barley, Faro, Millet and Quinoa which is gluten free make some of the 19 whole grains you definitely have to make a part of your diet.    


Omega 3 fatty acids in sea food effectively reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases by a huge margin. As captured by frontlineer.com which is a top ER in the US, Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for dissolving cholesterol molecules in the blood stream and in the same wavelength shrinking LDL particles by more than 12%.

Salmon for instance, a cold water fish, is an unrivalled source of protein and friendly fatty acids. If you have visited an ER with any heart condition or circulatory problem, then the doctors must have advised on the benefit of eating salmon twice a week. As a source of long chain omega 3 fatty acids namely EPA and DHA, eating salmon ensures you reduce inflammation throughout the body, lower blood pressure and also improve function of endothelial cells. 3 ounces of salmon which makes up an approximate 4.5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids is enough for the improvement of arterial function which betters your heart condition. Salmon also has B6 and B12 vitamins and B12 in particular is very important for Serotonin production. What’s more, if you need an alternative to Salmon, you can opt for Sardines, which are regarded as being the richest source of heart healthy fatty acids. 

Leafy vegetables 

A heart problem is definitely not something you want and you can effectively shield yourself from the same by incorporating leafy vegetables in your diet. One of the best pieces of advice from frontlineer.com, which is the best ER to visit as and when you have a medical emergency, is that leafy vegetables are the one element you can’t afford to miss in your diet. Be it spinach, kale, dandelion greens to turnip tops, Swiss chard and Leafy greens; these vegetables have compounds that benefit the heart and vascular system. The amazing thing about leafy vegetables is that they are also rich in fiber which lowers bad cholesterol and in turn prevents heart disease. Swiss chard, kale and broccoli are all low in calories and thereby help your body even with the immune system. 

Spinach for instance has multiple phytochemicals vitamins and minerals including folate and iron which protect against heart diseases. With every ER visit, a query on the benefits of vegetables will see a comprehensive review on the additional benefits it has on your heart and how you are best served having spinach and other leafy vegetables as part of your diet intake. 

Broccoli is classified as a vegetable that is packed with B vitamins and folic acid which relieve stress and help with ease of blood flow to your heart. With broccoli, you get to reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. Another vegetable you can target according to ER practitioners is cauliflower which is a cruciferous vegetable high in fiber that helps in lowering blood pressure and also has vitamin K that helps with blood circulation.  


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