25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Stroke
When the flow of blood to part of the brain is cut off, a stroke ensues. What this does is that it prevents the brain from getting oxygen which can lead to damage of brain cells in a matter of minutes. This means that time is crucial when it comes to stroke as the longer one stays without medical attention, the more brain cells are damaged and the more difficult it will be for one to make a full recovery. This means it is important to get to ER as soon as possible and this article will look to highlight the signs to look out for as far as stroke is concerned to ensure that you get help as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing sudden, unexplained paralysis or numbness of the face, you should head over to the ER as soon as possible to be assessed.
Another reason to head over to the ER suspecting you have a stroke is you are experiencing numbness of arms.
Speaking of numbness, sometimes the feeling of numbness is in the legs and feet. If you are experiencing this, you should definitely head over to the ER for assessment.
Another red flag and one that should tell you that you should head over to the ER as soon as possible for stroke is when you raise both arms, and one droops.
If you are also experiencing sudden body weakness, having not engaged in any exercise that should cause that, you need to ensure you get yourself to the ER pronto.
The folks over at frontlineer.com are also adamant that those that develop a sudden onset of double vision should ensure they visit an ER as soon as they can to be evaluated.
If you are also experiencing a temporary loss of vision in one eye, you should take it as a sign that you need to be heading to the ER as soon as possible.
If you experience a loss of vision altogether, in both eyes, or what is called a dimming of the curtains, you should not take any chances and should visit an ER as soon as you can.
Sticking to the eye, if you are experiencing involuntary eye movement, then you should ensure that you head over to the ER for assessment.
If you develop a sudden headache without cause, one that is unexplained, you should also head over to the ER to be attended to immediately.
Another thing to look out for is if you develop a sudden difficulty in speaking or understanding language. This should also be reason enough for you to visit an ER for stroke.
General mental confusion is another red flag that you should look out for and one that the folks over at frontlineer.com recommend should ends in one visiting an ER for stroke.
If you are also experiencing slurred speech or loss of it altogether, then heading over to the ER to be tended to should be the next thing on your agenda.
If also out of the blue you develop unexplained dizziness or dizzy spells, then you shouldn’t take any chances and should head over to the ER as soon as possible for assessment.
Others may out of the clear blue skies develop a loss of balance. If this happens, you should head over to the ER as soon as possible for checking out.
The same goes to those that develop unexplained loss of coordination all of a sudden. They too should ensure they head over to the ER to be checked out.
If you are also having trouble walking for reasons you can’t explain, then heading over to the ER to checked out should be the next thing you do.
Another clear sign that you are having a stroke is you develop facial droop especially on one side. This should be a clear indicator that you should get yourself over to ER to be checked out as is covered in detail over at frontlineer.com.
If you also develop overactive reflexes suddenly, then you should also ensure that you head over to an ER.
Another thing to look out for is if you suddenly develop stiff muscles. This should also lead to you visiting an ER as soon as you possibly can.
Sticking to muscles and stroke, if you suddenly develop paralysis and weakening of muscles, then heading over to the ER should be next on your agenda.
If you are experiencing a feeling of Pins and needles or what is referred to as a tingling sensation, suddenly and unexpectedly, then you should also ensure you head over to an ER.
Sometimes a reduced sensation of touch can mean that you are having a stroke making it yet another reason to visit an ER as soon as possible.
General unexplained fatigue, is another thing to look out for especially if you’ve done nothing to cause it. This, as per frontlineer.com should also lead to you visiting an ER as soon as you can.
If you are also having a sudden and unexplained difficulty swallowing, you should ensure you head over to the ER as soon as you can.
While some of the above signs clearly indicate a stroke, some may be symptomatic of something completely different. However, given the seriousness of a stroke, you shouldn’t take any chances and should head over to the ER to be assessed and properly diagnosed. As usual, there is more to be found on this and other topics over at frontlineer.com.