25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Joint Pain

25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Joint Pain

Joints in the body are very important as they help form connections between bones and as such help in providing support and in locomotion and movement. This means any damage to your joints can cause a problem when it comes to movement and can be quite painful. Majority of the time, pain in joints goes away on its own or through home relief remedies and over-the-counter medication. However, sometimes joint pain may require emergency medical attention. This article will look to highlight reasons that should lead to one visiting an ER for joint pain.

If you are experiencing severe joint pain, that is pain that is unbearable, especially after injuring that joint in an accident, you should definitely visit an ER.

While you may decide to deal with the joint pain at home with home remedies and over-the-counter medicine, if the joint pain persists for several days without easing, you should bite the bullet and head over to an ER.

If you are experiencing joint pain and the joint becomes stiff, you should head to an ER as soon as you possibly can.

If you are also experiencing joint pain and the joint gives way, and it looks like there is no joint at that particular area, you should also visit an ER.

Another scenario that should lead to a visit to an ER is if you are experiencing joint pain and the joint loses mobility, making you unable to move it.

Yet another reason that is put forward by the folks over at frontlineer.com is if the joint pain is also causing the joint to be red hot.

If on top of the joint pain, the joint also appears to be extremely swollen, the next step should be definitely to head over to the ER to be assessed.

If the joint pain is accompanied by fever and chills, then this also should be reason enough to ensure you visit an ER as soon as you can.

Another reason that should have you visiting an ER to be checked out is if you are experiencing joint pain as well as shortness of breath.

If you are also not only experiencing joint pain but you are also experiencing severe stomach pain, then you should also definitely head over to the ER.

Joint pain accompanied by eyes that are extremely red and severely painful should also be reason enough to head over to an ER.

If you are also experiencing joint pain as well as spotting on fingers or toes, then the experts over at frontlineer.com recommend that you head over to the ER as soon as you can.

If you are also experiencing joint pain as well as there being a change in shape of the joint, that is it looks deformed and not how it normally does, you should ensure you also head over to an ER for assessment.

If you are experiencing joint pain as well as a feeling of numbness, then the next course of action should be to definitely head over to the ER.

Another reason that is worth going to the ER over is if you are experiencing joint pain accompanied by a tingling or prickly sensation. This should be taken seriously as well.

Another red flag worth looking out for, and one that should definitely lead to a visit to an ER is if you are experiencing joint pain as well as severe cramps and abdominal pain.

If you are also experiencing joint pain that has brought with it a loss of reflexes, you should head over to the ER to be assessed as soon as you can.

The folks over at frontlineer.com, in an exhaustive discussion on the same , also recommend that those experiencing joint pain as well as loss of balance and coordination should also ensure they head over to the ER to be checked out.

If you are experiencing joint pain that flares at night preventing one from sleeping, and even wakes up, you should also ensure you head over to the ER.

Another reason worth going to the ER over is if you are experiencing joint pain as well as there being large wounds on the specific joint.

If you are experiencing joint pain accompanied by sweating although you haven’t undertaken any physical exercise, you should head over to the ER as well.

Joint pain accompanied by low blood pressure is yet another scenario that should see you head over to the ER to be checked out.

Those suffering from joint pain accompanied by bladder incontinence, which means that you are having trouble holding in your pee or are even peeing yourself, should also visit an ER.

Another reason put forward by the folks over at frontlineer.com concerns those experiencing joint pain as well as vomiting; they also should ensure they visit an ER.

Joint pain accompanied by muscle weakness, especially in the joint area should also be taken seriously and one should ensure they visit an ER.

The above are some of the reasons why one should visit an ER for joint pain, with more on the same to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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