10 Facts About Talking in Your Sleep – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

10 Facts About Talking in Your Sleep – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Talking in your sleep, or sleep talking is something that is quite common and afflicts a sizeable number of folks from all over the world. It is a sleep disorder where one talks in their sleep without even knowing that they are doing it. While it can occur during any stage of sleep, during REM sleep is when it may be comprehensible to another party listening in or a bed partner. Talking during Non-REM sleep will sound as gibberish. Sleep talking is something that can happen to anyone and there shouldn’t be any room for concern. To understand it more however, this article will look to delve deeper into it and see if we can uncover more detail on the same.

The first fact we are going to highlight is as far as sleep talking is concerned is about those that are likely to talk in their sleep. The fact here is that many people are likely to talk in their sleep with research showing nearly half of all children between ages 3 and 10 do so. Further, up to 5% of adults are said to also talk in their sleep and additionally sleep talking is not gender specific with both boys and girls being equally affected.

The next fact we are going to highlight as far as sleep talking goes has to do with why it happens. As is discussed over at frontlineer.com, scientists and researchers are yet to figure out exactly why folks talk I their sleep. Factors such as stress, some medication, fevers as well as sleep deprivation have been sighted. It is also understood that sleep talking may run in a family. Given that it can occur during any stage of sleep, REM or Non-REM, it cannot be linked with what one is dreaming about.

We are also going to highlight what one says when they are sleep talking. As is revealed above, one is usually not able to remember what they said during their sleep. Most of what is said is usually brief and hard to make sense of. If one is able to say full sentences, they are not to be taken seriously as anything said is not the product of a rational, conscious mind. If you want to hear what you do say during sleep, there are apps in the app store you can download that will record the same for you.

Another thing we should look at is whether or not sleep talking can it indicate other issues as far as one’s health is concerned. While sleep talking is usually nothing to get you worried, there are cases which may indicate bigger underlying issues, as per frontlineer.com. These include REM sleep behavior disorder where those affected kick, punch and yell out when dreaming, night terrors, sleepwalking as well as nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder. If one is exhibiting symptoms of these conditions, and not the usual sleep talking, then one should seek professional help.

Let us now look at the symptoms associated with sleep talking. As can be expected, it is difficult for one to know if they talk in their sleep. The only way one can know for sure is through other people, either partners or roommates, who will tell you if you have talking in your sleep. Apps are yet another way one can find out, as discussed earlier.

Let as the take a look at some of the causes as far as sleep talking is concerned. As has been mentioned previously, sleep talking most of the time occurs naturally by itself and as such is harmless. It has no particular causes unless it is associated with some of the problems discussed above such as REM sleep behavior disorder, with more on the same to be found on frontlineer.com.

Having said that, there are factors that can cause sleep talking to occur. These include mental health disorders, substance abuse such as alcohol, emotional stress among others. The side effects of certain medications also include sleep talking. All these other factors can be legislated for and one can be able to stop themselves from sleep talking.

The next thing we are going to look at as far as sleep talking goes has to do with its diagnosis. Even though there are no tests needed, your doctor may tests, like sleep study as well as polysomnogram or sleep recording especially if you are exhibiting signs of other sleeping disorders, as is revealed in discussions over at frontlineer.com.

Another fact about sleep talking we are going to highlight has to do with its treatment. Although it is never that serious to warrant treatment, severe sleep talking especially in adults may be a sign of another more serious sleep disorder and as such one should see a doctor. If your sleep talking is interfering with others, seeing a sleep specialist for help is also advised.

Finally, we are going to look at what those experiencing sleep talking may do to help reduce it. While there is also no known way to do so, keeping stress free and getting adequate sleep may make it less likely to occur. A change in lifestyle, including dropping caffeinated drinks and reducing alcohol consumption among others may also help.

The above are some of the facts surrounding talking in your sleep, which we hope they will help you understand it more. If you need more information on this and other topics, please check out frontlineer.com.


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