Why Heart Health is Important: Emergency Room Near You
Why Heart Health is Important: Emergency Room Near You Our hearts work for us every second of every day, nonstop even when we are asleep without any rest at all. On average, over the course of the average lifetime, the heart may beat for over 2 billion times which just goes to highlight how much […]
Treating Eye Injuries: Emergency Room Near You
Treating Eye Injuries: Emergency Room Near You Given their importance to us, the last thing we want is to suffer an eye injury. However, there are a number of scenarios that can lead to one suffering from an eye injury from getting a foreign object stuck in the eye, suffering trauma to the eye among […]
STD Testing & Treatments: Emergency Room Near You
STD Testing & Treatments: Emergency Room Near You There are many shocking statistics as for as our health is concerned but none is more shocking as the one involving sexually transmitted diseases, STDs. These shocking statistics show that an estimated one in two sexually active people will contract an STD by the age of 25. […]
Sinusitis & Sore / Strep Throat: Emergency Room Near You
Sinusitis & Sore / Strep Throat: Emergency Room Near You A sinus infection, or sinusitis as it is also known, is one of those conditions that can be quite uncomfortable and painful to have. It occurs when you have swollen mucus membranes in your nose, throat or along the upper respiratory tract as well as […]
Pink Eye: Emergency Room Near You
Pink Eye: Emergency Room Near You Pink eye is very common and chances are if you have not suffered form it yourself, then you know someone who has. The facts and figures bear this out as pink eye affects as much as 6 million people in the US and it is also among the most […]
Physical Exams: Emergency Room Near You
Physical Exams: Emergency Room Near You A physical exam can be done as a general exam or as an exam specific to a particular problem. Under normal circumstances, it is advised that you get regular physical exams done on you and you should take this as seriously as you would take your diet or your […]
Minor Strains & Sprains: Emergency Room Near You
Minor Strains & Sprains: Emergency Room Near You If you live an active life, then chances are that you will suffer from a sprain or strain at one time or the other. If you are actively involved in physical activities especially, like playing sports and so forth, then you know that sprains and strains are […]
Minor Rashes & Poison Ivy / Oak: Emergency Room Near You
Minor Rashes & Poison Ivy / Oak: Emergency Room Near You A rash is usually characterized by an abnormal change in the texture or color of your skin and it is usually as a result of skin inflammation. There are a number of things that can lead to skin inflammation leading to a rash such […]
Minor Injuries: Emergency Room Near You
Minor Injuries: Emergency Room Near You Injuries can happen to anyone and at any time without warning. Chances are we have all suffered some sort of injury at one point or the other. There are a lot of scenarios that can lead to you suffering an injury, be it at home when slicing vegetables in […]
Minor Dental Pain: Emergency Room Near You
Minor Dental Pain: Emergency Room Near You You might not want to hear this given it can be uncomfortable or even debilitating depending on the severity, but pain plays a very important role as far as our health is concerned. This is because it helps us know that there is something wrong with an area […]