10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Fever
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Fever Fevers are one of the most common conditions out there, with each one of us having experienced one at one time or the other. In most instances, fevers are not what you would consider serious conditions and as such do not require one to […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for STD
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for STD STDs or sexually transmitted diseases, get a lot of stigma as not most people like to talk about them, but they are actually quite common. They can be scary, but in most cases they can be treated successfully if they are detected early. The […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Children
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Children It is a situation that we usually want to avoid at all costs, but seems to be almost inevitable; the situation where our child is sick or injured. Children are instinctively curious and given they are learning on the job as it were, are […]
10 Tips: Emergency Room for Migraine
10 Tips: Emergency Room for Migraine Chances are, most of us, if not all of us, have suffered from a headache at one point or the other, caused by a number of reasons and factors. Most of the times headaches are nothing to worry about, and can be handled with home remedies and with the […]
10 Tips: Who Should Go to Emergency Room
10 Tips: Who Should Go to Emergency Room Though all of us crave good health, at one time or another, we have all been in situations where our health has been compromised either through illness or injury. One can suffer an illness due to a number of different factors, but what is for sure is […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Depression
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Depression Most people associate emergency rooms with life or limb-threatening conditions such as severe injuries and fractures as well as serious conditions and illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes. What most people don’t know is that emergency are actually a great place to take […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Abscess
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Abscess Infections can occur at any part of the body, either due to an open wound or due to poor hygiene. Most of the times, infections are accompanied by abscesses, which is the mass that forms when pus accumulates in the affected area of the […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Back Pain
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Back Pain There is no pain that is more common than back pain, and it is one that can occur due to exercise or work, especially that which is physically exerting. If one suffers from back pain either from having done some heavy lifting or […]
10 Things to Know and Expect if Your Child has Epilepsy
10 Things to Know and Expect if Your Child has Epilepsy Having children in the household can be a challenge for any parent, especially when they are at the age where they are active and out and about or when they hit their teenage years. If your child has epilepsy on top of that, it […]
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Toddlers
10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Toddlers The word “toddler”, used to describe babies who “toddle”, is usually a term that is used to refer to children who are learning to walk. Though there is no exact science to it, or any accurate definition, toddlers are usually those children between the […]